Email Marketing Guides

You’re exactly the right person to market your business.

You’ve got the passion. You know your brand inside out. And you’ve got a few ideas for emails you want to send.

But if you’re new to marketing with email, you probably need a bit of expert advice.

So here it is. On this page you’ll find guides for different industries as well as instructions for some advanced processes that’ll really fine-tune your campaign.

Best of all, they’re free. Take them, use them and tell people how you’re getting such amazing results!

Improving Your Campaign

Grow your business with email marketing

Learn how to start using email marketing to quickly grow your business

Running a business is a full time job. With limited time and resources, it can be difficult to put energy into marketing your business. But with email marketing, promoting your business becomes a whole lot easier.

How to Write Landing Pages That Convert


How to Write Landing Pages That Convert

Quickly grow your email list! Download this guide to learn everything you need to know to create persuasive landing pages that get your audience to click and subscribe.

What to Write in Your Emails Fill-in-the-Blanks Email Templates


Fill-in-the-Blanks Email Templates

Write better emails. Simply fill in the blanks. Then copy and paste the content into your emails to make sending emails even easier.

Pop up form guide


Pop Up Form Optimization Guide

When used appropriately, the pop up sign up form can be an effective way to grow your list. This guide will give you everything you need to create a pop up form that invites people to subscribe to your email list.

Is Your Email Ready to Send? Email Newsletter Checklist


Is Your Email Ready to Send?

Every so often, mistakes slip through the cracks and damage the quality of your campaign. This email newsletter checklist will handle quality assurance for you.

Segmenting Your Subscribers


Segmenting Your Subscribers

Targeting each email to the right audience (called segmenting) can significantly increase response. It’s pretty easy to do – here, we’ll show you how.

How to Run a Reactivation Campaign


How to Run a Reactivation Campaign

Sometimes subscribers just stop responding. Here, you’ll learn how to reengage the ones who can be saved (and how to “clean your list” of the ones who can’t).

Web Form Split Tests: 7 Ways to Get More Subscribers


Web Form Split Tests

What web form will appeal to your audience most? What text? What call to action? To find the answers, you need to split test. And to split test, you need this guide.

Understanding Your Email Stats


Understanding Your Email Stats

Are you emails bringing in new sales? With this guide, you’ll learn how easy it is to measure the performance of your emails, as well as ways you can make improvements to help grow your business.

How to Set Subscriber Preferences


How to Set Subscriber Preferences

Send subscribers exactly the information they’re looking for – automatically. Here’s how.

Guide to User-Friendly Emails


Guide to User-Friendly Emails

Have you ever opened an email and found no way to contact the sender or even get to the company’s site? Follow this guide to make your emails as user-friendly as possible!

Your Guide to Email Deliverability


Your Guide to Email Deliverability

You just had a deliverability problem. But what does that mean, and how do you fix it? This guide will help you address common deliverability issues to ensure your messages make it to the inbox.

Personalization Cheat Sheet


Personalization Cheat Sheet

Truly personalized emails make subscribers take notice. Learn how to create them with this cheat sheet.

How to Optimize Your Email Campaign


How to Optimize Your Email Campaign

Your AWeber account holds an awful lot of marketing power. Find out easy ways to use it.

How One Blogger Grew Her Email List to 50k and Counting


How One Blogger Grew Her Email List to 50k and Counting

Email marketing is a great way to expand your audience and grow your business. Find out how one blogger used email to launch her blog, grow her readers and monetize her online business.


Marketing Beyond Email

How to Market Your Business With Pinterest


How to Market Your Business With Pinterest

A number of brands and businesses have found a comfortable marketing niche on Pinterest. Find out if it’s right for you with our free guide.

Marketing With LinkedIn & Webinars


Marketing With LinkedIn & Webinars: Your Combo For Business Growth

Lewis Howes, an expert in both LinkedIn and webinars, offers his advice for using these platforms for your business.


Starting With AWeber

Email Marketing Delivered: Why AWeber Is Right For You


Email Marketing Delivered: Why AWeber’s Right For You

AWeber’s suite of tools make it easy to create email newsletters that bring more customers to your business. Learn more about what we can do for your business!


Marketing Guides By Industry

Email marketing for bloggers


Email Marketing for Bloggers

Get access to a PDF guide that’s packed with all the information you need to get started and succeed with email marketing. You’ll also receive editable templates for creating and sending emails.

Email marketing podcasters guide


Email Marketing for Podcasters

You have a podcast. You have listeners. What now? With email marketing, you can reach out to listeners after the audio ends, building relationships that will help you monetize your podcast.

Email Marketing for Real Estate Agents


Email Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Emailing each individual client can eat up your whole day. Email marketing let’s you message groups. You’ve just got to set it up – which is what this guide is for.

Email Marketing for Fitness Centers


Email Marketing for Fitness Centers

Every day, people fall off the workout wagon. Entice them back on with email marketing. It’s easy to whip an email campaign into shape – this guide shows you how.

Email Marketing for Wineries


Email Marketing for Wineries

With luck, your winery’s visitors will seek out your wines at restaurants and bars. But luck is fickle, so try email marketing instead. We’ve got the recipe right here.

What Email Marketing Can Do For Your Restaurant


What Email Marketing Can Do For Your Restaurant

You serve your diners with good food and great service, but once they’re gone, they may never come back. Unless you market with email. Then you can entice them back.

Email Marketing for Churches


Email Marketing for Churches

Billboards, flyers, a marquee on the lawn…these can’t greet new visitors, keep members updated and answer people’s questions. Email can. Let us show you how.

Email Marketing for Artists


Email Marketing for Artists

Fans of your art may not be ready to buy on first sight. If they are, they may want to see more. Either way, you need a way to keep in touch – you need email marketing.

What Email Marketing Can Do For Your Band


What Email Marketing Can Do For Your Band

No label? No problem.

Trent Reznor and Collective Soul shunned agencies to market themselves. With the right tools, so can you.

A Photographer's Guide to Email Marketing


A Photographer’s Guide to Email Marketing

Referrals can help your business grow, so you need a little something customers can pass along – something called an email newsletter.

Email Marketing for Dentists


Email Marketing for Dentists

No one likes going to the dentist. But building the right relationship with your patients can get them to love your office. Find out how email handle that for you.

Email Marketing For Nonprofits


Email Marketing For Nonprofits

So you can focus on changing the world, you need a system you can set up to handle your marketing.

And a guide to show you how to use it.

Email Marketing For Animal Shelters


Email Marketing For Animal Shelters

To help you speak for the ones who can’t. Here’s how you can use email marketing to give your furry friends the help they deserve.




What’s going to help you stand out from big-name travel sites? Your email campaign, of course.