Email Marketing for Animal Shelters

Download Email Marketing for Animal Shelters

You speak for the ones that can’t. You defend the defenseless. You provide food and shelter to the hungry and homeless. You run an animal shelter.

While you certainly have a captive audience when it comes to your furry friends, what about your fellow humans? Do you have a strong support system? How are you communicating your efforts to others?

People want to help; it’s only a matter of making yourself visible. Emailing your followers consistently can help bridge any gaps. The best part is an email campaign is easy to set up, and can be mostly automated.

This guide will help you get started with an email campaign for your shelter.

It will cover:

  • Why email should be part of your marketing plan
  • How you can build a list of subscribers
  • What you can put in your emails
  • How you can offer different campaigns depending on the individual

Find out what you’ve been missing!

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Ready To Create an Email Marketing Campaign?

Use email to raise awareness for your furry friends. Start building an email list for your shelter today: