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Access to Smart Designer & Landing Page Copying is Now Easier Than Ever

What's new at AWeber

Raise your hand if you feel like you’re always busy.

Now, I don’t have magical abilities or anything, but I’m willing to bet you raised your hand.

We get it. Running a business is hard work. 

So we want to do as much as we can to take work off your plate. That’s why we’re always working on adding new templates, features and updates to help you work smarter. 

Check out what’s new in your AWeber account today (and let us know what changes you want to see in the comments below)!

Did you know AWeber has a Template Gallery full of great user-generated ideas?

We recently added two new templates — a finance advisor template and a home improvement template — to make sure every business has a template they can use to get up and running quickly.

Check them out!

Finance Advisor Template

Home Improvement

Landing page copying just got even easier

Want your audience to copy your landing page? Landing page copying is great way to help your audience get up and running quickly with a template for your unique industry.

Plus, when you give your audience value, they’re more likely to come back to you again and again as a trusted source of information.

So we made landing page copying even easier. Now, you can share your landing page via a link.

Instead of asking your audience to visit the landing page first, you can include a link in your emails, social media or other channels that let your audience copy your work immediately. 

It’s great to have more options to share landing pages in the way that works best for your unique business. 

Tap into the power of Smart Designer with ease

Smart Designer is one of the easiest ways to build a professional email template. Being able to create a beautiful template that matches your brand saves hours designing emails. That’s time better spent on other business building activities. 

That’s why we want to make it as easy as possible for you to use when and how you need it.  

So we added Smart Designer to our ‘Create a Message’ drop down menu, located on the Dashboard, Drafts, and Broadcasts pages. This means you can more easily access Smart Designer when you are ready to create an email. 

Once you choose “Smart Designer,” you will be asked to enter your website URL or social media account URL. Then, Smart Designer will create a bunch of beautiful, professional templates for you to choose from. 

What other features or updates would you like to see from AWeber?

Drop your thoughts in the comments section below. We love hearing from you and your feedback means so much to us.

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