To Earn More, Learn More!

Issue I

Affiliates have been with AWeber Communications, Inc. since the beginning of the company, and they mean a lot to us! We want you to make money, and we offer our help to make sure that you do.

One way we help is with AWeber Communications, Inc. Affiliate Tips! As an active affiliate, you receive new tips periodically via e-mail. All of our tips are below – put them to use to earn more!

Successful Signature Ads –

What takes 5 minutes, and can start to bring traffic to your AWeber Communications, Inc. Affiliate URL today? The e-mail you send out every day! To find out more and grab a handful of killer ads,

read this tip.

Affiliate Advertising That Works –

As an AWeber Communications, Inc. affiliate, you make money by referring customers to AWeber Communications, Inc.. But, what’s the best way to do that? How can you make your affiliate advertising most successful? For starters,

read this tip

Learn to Write Long Copy That Sells –

Many of you have asked for more information about writing your own long copy. You seem to realize that “long copy” isn’t just about more words. Rather, it’s about more detail! Learn simple steps to creating your own long copy!

Read this tip.

Once is Never Enough – Test Drive AWeber –

People usually need to see an ad many times before purchasing. AWeber was built on this concept, and we use it in our own advertising through the “AWeber Test Drive”. One out of every eight prospects who take the test drive later buys an AWeber account! Boost your affiliate sales by offering *your* prospects this test drive! To find out how,

read this tip.

What Do You Want in an Affiliate Tip?

Is there some part of affiliate marketing that you’d like to hear more about? Send your questions and suggestions to Our Customer Service team will answer all your questions, and you may even find yourself showing up in a future AWeber Communications, Inc. Affiliate Tip!

Affiliate Tools

Login to Your Account

Login to your control panel using the Affiliate Login form.

Banner Ads

Use one of our pre-made banners. Or make your own – just don’t include pricing information.

Blog Headlines on Your Website

Copy one line of simple HTML to your website and we’ll automatically put the latest email tips from our blog on it.

AWeber Test Drive

This email marketing campaign converts over 21% of targeted subscribers to customers. Let the system sell itself!

Affiliate Tips

To earn more, learn more! Pull down better commissions after reading our affiliate tips.