Email Marketing 101 for Podcasters

Email Mkt 101 for Podcasters

You just recorded yet another amazing podcast. How are your listeners going to find out about it?

Sure you could post on social media, but your announcement isn’t going to reach every listener. Social media platforms have algorithms that only show your message to a limited number of followers.

Once your audience listens to your monthly or weekly podcast episode, you lose connection with them until the next episode.

There’s a simple solution for keeping your audience interested and engaged – email marketing.

Sending an email when your podcast is available is the best way to make your audience aware of it. Email can increase the number of people listening to your podcast instead of someone of someone else’s.

And the more people listening to your podcast, the more likely your episodes ranks at the top leading to even more listeners.

This step by step guide will help you learn how to get started with email marketing.

Step 1: Get started with email marketing

The question we hear most often is “how do I get started with email marketing?” The process is really simple. In this section we’ll first explain why you need to be emailing your listeners and where to begin.

Bonus Tip:

Use an RSS Feed in your emails to make sure your listeners never miss an episode.

GIF showing how to use RSS feed for podcast within an email

Step 2: Start an email list

Take a guess as to what the second most asked question is. I’ll give you a hint – it just happens to be step 2.

So you have listeners but you don’t have their email addresses.

No problem. You have an active and engaged audience during your podcast. The easiest way to start your list is by asking for their email. Create a landing page and send your listeners there to sign up.

Step 3: Craft an email subject line

You’re growing your list and are ready to send your first email. All that effort is for nothing if they don’t open your email. It’s time to grab your subscriber’s attention.

Follow the best practices in step 3, to have your podcast listeners eagerly anticipating what’s inside.

Step 4: Writing an email

Now it’s time to start building a fan club with awesome content. What should you send your subscribers? Here are just a few ideas for your email content:

  • Give away valuable content like show notes, podcast outtakes and exclusive content.
  • Ask for donations.
  • Promote affiliate companies.
  • Offer discounts on your products/services.
  • Ask for podcast reviews.
  • Send surveys to get valuable feedback.
  • Hold a contest and announce your winner via email.
  • And so much more!

Step 5: Types of emails to send

After you complete step 4, you’ll realize how quick and easy it is to send an email. After walking through the first 4 steps of email marketing, it’s time to start jogging.

Learn the types of emails you could be sending to your audience.

Step 6: Get started with email automation

Are you ready to start improving your results, all while making email even easier. How you might ask? Simply – by sending the right email, to the right person, at the right time with a feature called email automation. Learn what it is and how it will simplify your process.

Step 7: Get started with email segmentation

Use the data you have about your customers to your advantage by sending targeted messages based on this information. Read the 7 simple steps to get started with email segmentation.

Step 8: Analyze your email performance

It’s time to see how you did. Understand what in your email worked, what did not, and what you can do to make it better.

We break down the essential email metrics you should be looking at. We’ll review what each means and how you can use that data to improve your future emails.

Build relationships with your listeners by sending engaging emails in addition to your awesome podcast episodes. You’ll create a loyal fan club who can trust you to let them know about news and recently published episodes. A loyal fan club is 100 times more willing to support you.

Each of these chapters is structured to help you become more comfortable and confident in your ability to build a loyal podcast following through email marketing.

No time like the present to begin, so let’s get started with Step 1.

Want to grow your audience?

There are free tools to help you create a landing page and link that to an automated email series so you can give people a taste of your podcast, and get them on an email list where you can grow your relationship with your subscribers while expanding your podcast audience!

Check out these other great resources:

Promote Your Podcast with Email Marketing – Master these easy email marketing strategies to turn listeners into subscribers, build your brand, and grow your podcast.

Quick & Easy Ways to Monetize Your Podcast – Check out these quick & easy strategies to monetize your podcast via sponsorships, listener donations, and more!

How to Grow Your Podcast: 7 Tips to Build a Loyal Audience – Building your audience is the first step to growing your revenue.


Step 1: Get started with email marketing

Step 2: Start an email list

Step 3: Craft an email subject line

Step 4: Writing an email

Step 5: Types of emails to send

Step 6: Get started with email automation

Step 7: Get started with email segmentation

Step 8: Analyze your email performance

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