[Podcast] Episode 012: How do I publish, promote, and personalize with email marketing?

In December of 2015, we kicked off our podcast with our CMO, our Creative Director, and a single question: How could I use email marketing to support my book launch?

In episode 12, we take that question to another level with an engaging Q&A session with Honorée Corder, a speaker, coach, and authorpreneur.

What makes Honorée qualified to talk to us about publishing and tribe-building? She’s released 19 unique self-published books!

Honorée and I chat about publishing, email personalization, content tips for small businesses, and much more. There is actionable advice in this episode for writers and non-writers alike.

You’ll learn:

  • The importance of developing an avatar, or persona
  • The value of writing conversational and personal emails using personalization
  • How email marketing can support your book marketing – from conception to completion
  • Why double opt-in isn’t such a bad idea
  • A simple way to develop a 12-month editorial calendar
You can't do the right thing with the wrong person. - @Honoree Corder on #emailmarketing Click To Tweet

Listen below:

Here are a few referenced links:

Click here to download this episode directly (MP3).

Have a question about email marketing? Ask us anything at aweber.com/podcast.

Friendly Podcast Disclaimer: We like to include this little note on each episode’s post because we provide educational content and frequently interview guests on this podcast. The views and opinions of any podcast guest are their own, and does not necessarily reflect the views of AWeber. Marketing best practices and advice can change based on regulations, trends and market conditions. Therefore, any older episodes may contain information most relevant at the time of publication. We hope you enjoy!


  1. Mobdro

    3/22/2016 1:16 pm

    Hey Tom, I really enjoyed this post, this is really great.

  2. Tom Tate

    3/23/2016 2:08 pm

    Hey Mobdro,

    Thanks so much for listening – glad you enjoyed it.
