Conversion Rate

What is a conversion rate?

How to calculate conversion rate?

What is a good conversion rate?

How to increase conversion rate?

Why is conversion rate important?

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What is a conversion rate?

Conversion rate is a desired action taken by the recipient of your email or website. Examples of a conversion rate are clicking on a link, downloading something from your website or making a purchase.

How to calculate conversion rate?

Conversion rate is calculated by taking the total number of conversions (an example of a conversion could be a purchase or email signup) and dividing it by the total number of website visitors.

For example, if 100 people visited your website and 15 took the desired conversion action, then the conversion rate would be 15% or 15 / 100 = 15%.

What is a good conversion rate?

A good conversion rate depends on the type of conversion being measured. For example

  • a good ecommerce conversion rate is anything over 2%
  • a good email signup conversion rate is anything over 10%

How to increase conversion rate?

To increase your conversion rate you can take the following steps:

  1. Strengthen the call to action message
  2. Remove distractions that may take visitor away from desired action
  3. Add social proof – like customer testimonials
  4. Make process to signup as simple as possible
  5. Remove unnecessary sign up form fields
  6. Create urgency
  7. Add money back guarantee
  8. Add a live chat to instantly answer customer questions
  9. Try pop up forms
  10. Grab attention with compelling headline

Related: 9 Proven Landing Page Best Practices to Get More Conversions

Why is conversion rate important?

Conversion rates are important because they are the main key performance indicator (KPI) of a campaign. A conversion rate tells you if a campaign is persuading visitors to take the desired action you wanted them to take. The conversion rate will allow you to compare and contrast multiple campaigns to measure which has the highest performance.

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