A/B Split Test

What is an A/B split test?

Why should I do A/B split testing?

How do I get started with A/B split test?

What are A/B/C split tests?

Where can I do A/B split test?

What does AB stand for?

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What is an A/B split test?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method that lets you scientifically test the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.

When split testing, you create two versions (called variants) of your campaign to determine which statistically performs better. Once you find which variant performs best, you can update your strategy based on what you learned about the winning version.

This allows you to identify what works best with your audience.

Related: Ultimate Guide to A/B Split Testing

Why should I do A/B split testing?

You should A/B split test in order to optimize the performance of your email or landing page. By testing different elements you can statistically measure which will drive the best performance. It is safer to test and have the data tell you the best variation, than to make an assumption and be wrong.

How do I get started with A/B split test?

Steps to set up an A/B split test:

  1. Pick one variable to test (for example, test a different subject line)
  2. Determine the metric you’ll be measuring (for example, subject line test will measure for open rate)
  3. Set up the variations in your service providers platform
  4. Choose the segment or list
  5. Determine your sample size. Will this be split 50/50 or 20/20 with winning variation getting remaining 60%?
  6. Start your test
  7. Measure the results of your test

What are A/B/C split tests?

An A/B/C split test is the process of testing 3 different versions (or variants) to the same group of people, at the same time, and measuring which versions performs the best. The letters signify the test variations. So in an A/B/C split test the A would be variation 1 or A, the B would be variation 2 or B, and the C would be variation 3 or C.

The winner of the test is based on what KPI (Key Performance Indicator) was being tested. The KPI could be open, clicks, or conversions.

Where can I do A/B split test?

Most email service providers have a feature in their platform which will allow you to test multiple variations of your email.

What does AB stand for?

The A and the B in A/B split testing simply stand for the different variations being tests. Meaning version A and version B.

Ready to start your Email A/B test?

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