How do I Get Traffic to My Site?

After you have a basic understanding of content and where to publish your AWeber affiliate marketing material, you will need to drive interested visitors to your site.

Step three Blocks

Step #3
Getting Traffic to Your Website or Blog

Getting traffic to your website or blog is something that must be looked into deeply. Not only do you need visitors to your website, but you also need people who are looking specifically for what you have to offer.

There are many different ways to generate traffic, but the main ones you should focus on are:

SEO Methods

SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) is the process of optimizing one’s website to get better results from search engines. This basically means “tweaking” your site’s content/code in order to get easily “seen” by the major search engines, such as:

People who are looking for a product or service ( hopefully yours! ) use these engines whenever they have a need, so understanding how they work is very important.

I suggest beginning to learn SEO basics with StylelizedWeb and SEO Chat.

Pay Per Click Search Engine Advertising

Pay Per Click Search Engine Advertising (PPC) is the best way to get visitors to your website. When people type in specific keyword or phrase in a search engine, it will produce organic search results, which are not purchased by an advertiser.

In addition, that search can also produce paid results based on whatever keyword or phrase you have typed in. These listings are sponsored on a per-bid basis. When your ad appears, you make a specific payment when a visitor actually clicks on the ad.

If you are going to delve into pay per click advertising, I suggest starting here:

Those Resources will help get your feet wet with driving targeted traffic to your blog or website as well as give you a better basic understanding of how search engines work.

Other Traffic Generation Methods

In addition to Pay Per click Advertising and Search Engine Traffic, you should also be aware of the many other ways to drive traffic to your site. Our Education Marketing Team has written a great article on how to drive targeted traffic to your website or blog.

A Quick Note on SPAM

Although you are certainly interested in driving traffic to your website, you do want to use valid traffic generation and email practices. Remember, you always want to send out relevant information to your audience and by no means should send SPAM to people who have entrusted you with their personal information.

Please take a look at AWeber’s policies regarding SPAM and how to avoid sending unsolicited email to your visitors or subscribers.

You can also refer to this great article written by AWeber founder and CEO, Tom Kulzer entitled Spam: Where it Came From, and How to Escape It.

We wish you the very best in your marketing success. Remember, in order for any campaign to succeed, you must dedicate time and effort into educating yourself properly.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We would be more than happy to assist you.

Happy Marketing!