1. Evan H. Farr

    8/2/2018 2:43 pm

    Doesn’t this new law only apply to American businesses if we solicit and serve clients in Europe?

  2. Brandon Olson

    8/2/2018 2:59 pm

    Hi Evan. The GDPR applies to any data controller or processor who collects, records, organizes, stores or performs any operations on personal data of those who live in the EU — even if you don’t reside in a European country. I wrote more about it here and here.

  3. Ryan Gunness

    8/2/2018 2:56 pm

    I have not done this yet but thought of it after reading this post. You could add a custom field called “formid” to hard code an id # for each form you use. Then using a cloud base speadsheet like google sheets you could have a sheet with these fields id,date live, date removed, formcode,screen shot, notes. This will save the “formid” with the subscriber for easy refence, maybe even just add the formid to “Ad Tracking” example instead of Ad Tracking=webform_1 you could do Ad Tracking=webform_1+fid2, fid would be the form id in this case. Hope this all makes sense 🙂

  4. Anabell

    8/5/2018 11:54 pm

    The GDPR applies to any data controller or processor who collects, records, organizes, stores or performs any operations on personal data of those who live in the EU — even if you don’t reside in a European country