Articles & Tips

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A collection of articles with tips and best practices in email marketing, social media, digital marketing and more.

Web Analytics 101: Website Tracking for Beginners

By Sean Tinney

If you’re new to tracking your website’s analytics, getting started can be a little daunting. Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to get started and begin seeing better results.

Your Field Guide to Designing Mobile Friendly Emails

By Olivia Dello Buono

Today, more than half of emails are opened on a mobile device… yet less than half of marketers are designing with mobile in mind. Use these tips to make sure your messages are mobile optimized.

9 Ways You Can Become An Affiliate All-Star

By Olivia Dello Buono

Affiliate marketing has become a trending topic in the digital marketing community. Find out how you can turn your love of a product into a low-risk, high-reward opportunity – and start reaping the rewards!