From Our Blog to Yours?

Blog Headlines

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing many of our affiliates websites and blogs over the past several months. The one thing I’ve noticed is that although there is widespread use of our over 21 affiliates banners, I do not see our blog headlines used as much as I would like to.

Our blog headlines are an easy feature to add. They can enhance the effectiveness of your affiliate website or blog considerably.

Let’s examine some of the ways we can use the blog headlines to help your campaign.


When you educate your readers, you are giving them something they can use down the road. Often they will reciprocate with either their loyalty or with a purchase of your product.

Using our blog headlines will educate your viewers about email marketing in the following ways.

…now you are providing them with valuable information. You aren’t just asking them to make a purchase.

A good marketer is always learning. So using our blog headlines is the perfect way for your readers to learn from the leader in email marketing.

It’s All About Style

When you insert our blog headlines into your site, they do no have to look like a cardboard cutout. With a few minor tweaks, you can easily make our headlines fit the look and feel of your site.

Here are few examples:

Once you copy the javascript for our headlines, put some <div> tags around it.

First div tag for blog headlines

Now you can style your headlines by changing what’s inside the div tags.

You can change the font, let’s say, by changing the style just a bit:

First div tag for blog headlines

Or if you simply wanted to change the size of the font:

First div tag for blog headlines

These are just examples. For more information on CSS and how to apply it to your blog headlines, I highly suggest taking a look at HTML Dog CSS Tutorials.

What Other Ways Can You Use Our Headlines?

If you have been reading my previous articles, you will know that I am always encouraging our affiliates to be creative.

What other creative ways can you think of to use our blog headlines?

If you have any new or interesting ideas, please feel free to share them with me.

Good luck with your promotions and happy marketing!