3 Common Affiliate Mistakes to Avoid

Frustrated Guy by Ron Givens

Often, someone will sign up for an AWeber affiliate account and come running out of the gates full force. They have every intention on succeeding and are ready to promote Aweber. Unfortunately, they often run out of gas before the end of the first lap.

Why does this happen? What can be done to avoid this? Often, it is because they have made some serious affiliate mistakes.

Let’s examine three common affiliate mistakes that every AWeber affiliate should avoid.

Mistake #1: Not Knowing Your Product

Simply signing up for an affiliate account and putting an affiliate banner on your site will not generate affiliate sales. You are now promoting a AWeber Comunications, so you need to know as much as possible about our service.

There are key things you should know when promoting AWeber.

Customer Service

Our Customer Solutions Team is the best in the business. At any time during business hours a customer can contact AWeber and they will get a live person to assist them. Our staff is knowledgeable, courteous and always ready to help.

We also have a set of Core Values that reflect our dedication to our customers.


AWeber has many powerful and easy-to-use email marketing tools. An affiliate should have a basic understanding of what they are and how they function.

You can view our features page or learn more about them on our blog.


AWeber has been in business for over 20 years. Over those years, we have developed a sterling reputation for getting email delivered. As an Aweber affiliate, you should be familiar with our Email Deliverability, and how can benefit your potential clients.

Mistake #2: Not Educating Yourself

There are a lot of facets to affiliate marketing. In order to be a successful as an affiliate you should always be seeking more information about the industry.

AWeber has an Education Marketing Team, dedicated to keeping you educated about the many nuances of email marketing. In addition to this, you can attend a live seminar to learn more about AWeber or take a look at some of our Video Tutorials.

You should also be educated in the affiliate marketing world in general. I highly recommend taking a look at these affiliate resources to continue your education.

  • ABest Web – The largest affiliate marketing forum with over 50,000 members.
  • Affiliate Tip – An affiliate marketing blog by Shawn Collins. Tons of information here!
  • Affiliate Classroom – A great place to learn more about affiliate marketing.

Mistake #3: Not Purchasing a Domain Name and Hosting Account

In order to be taken serious in the affiliate world, you are certainly going to need to purchase your own domain name and hosting account. Using a free website and free email address usually indicates that you are a novice marketer. ( Or just not sufficiently educated – See Mistake #2 ).

The amount needed to purchase domain name and hosting should be a very small expense for a serious affiliate marketer.

Although it does not need to be an enormous amount, you will need to spend a little bit of money in the short run to make a lot of money in the long run.

Unsure of where to start with your business services? Please take a look at the who AWeber recommends. Those resources will give you even more ammunition for your growing affiliate arsenal.

Learn From Past Mistakes

You certainly don’t have to repeat the mistakes other affiliates have already made. From the get go, you should know your product well, educate yourself, and invest in your business through hosting and a domain.

In doing so, you are one step ahead of the affiliate marketing game and will be prepared to make your AWeber affiliate campaign a success.

Good luck!